Korean Skin Care – Just the Basics

Available with RTS Beauty Co.

What is so unique about Korean Skincare aka K-beauty?

I can tell you that K-beauty is known for its innovative and effective ingredients, such as snail mucus, bee venom, and green tea extract. K-beauty also emphasizes the importance of a gentle and consistent skincare routine, including double-cleansing and using essences and serums. Additionally, K-beauty incorporates a holistic approach to skincare, with an emphasis on diet and lifestyle factors that can impact skin health. Overall, there are many valuable lessons that can be learned from K-beauty when it comes to achieving and maintaining healthy, radiant skin.

To achieve glowing skin, the use of “unusual” ingredients is often associated with Korean Skincare. These ingredients are known for their ability to nourish and hydrate the skin, promote cell renewal, and improve overall skin texture. For centuries, Korean beauty has incorporated these ingredients in their skincare routine, which has now become a global trend. Snail mucus, for instance, contains glycoproteins, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants, that help hydrate and brighten the skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Similarly, bee venom is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help reduce redness and blemishes while promoting collagen production. Tree sap or “sap water” is extracted from birch trees and is rich in electrolytes, antioxidants, and vitamins that help soothe and nourish the skin. Silkworm cocoons are rich in sericin, a protein that helps to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Fermentation in skincare involves using live bacteria and yeast to break down ingredients, resulting in a more potent and effective product. Fermented ingredients like rice water, green tea, and soybean extract are rich in vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants that help brighten, hydrate, and nourish the skin. Incorporating these unusual ingredients into your skincare routine can be a game-changer for achieving that radiant, dewy glow. However, it’s important to note that not all skin types react the same way to these ingredients, and it’s essential to do a patch test before using them regularly.

K-beauty usually involves anywhere from 5 to 12 steps. View them here.

This skincare ritual is a timeless beauty practice. You do not have to do all steps, you can pick and choose (it really depends on your skin’s condition & concern) but it is important that you layer them correctly. The cornerstone of the Korean Beauty philosophy is that every step is made to help protect the skin barrier and stop skin damage.

Korean skincare is moving away from trendy, cutesy products and using more natural ingredients backed by science to get the results you want and need. 

If you’re new to Korean Skincare I highly encourage that you start basic and slow, you’ll want to introduce new products to your routine one at a time.

You can experience some of the best Korean skin treatments when you book with RTS Beauty Co.; but if you are not local, you surely can purchase products by either visiting my online store or feel free to message me to figure out which products to begin with! I currently retail ISOV, StoryDerm, Corthe & KRX.

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